Musings & brainfood

Negative space

I’ve been working on a website. The space you give your content gives that content weight. Free up...

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Letting go

I’ve been meaning to let go recently after clearing out a load of clutter from my office floor and...

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Hello musings!

Welcome to iNKLiNGS Blog 'Musings & Brainfood'. I plan to write about things that tickle me...

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Thoughfully yours

Quality. I like to ensure that my customers are getting great value when they work with me. How? I...

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A simple duck

Keeping it simple. Should be easy, no? Then why do we reflectively-inclined analytical types find...

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On integrity

We last met him on the road to Kufa: he of the radiant visage and dignified bearing. At that time...

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On travelling

The sun, waking to keep the tryst with its ordained orbital journey, espies a lone, elderly...

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Introducing Tayah

Hello Everybody – I’m back after a short workaholicy break that took the wind out of my travelling...

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Cut it Out

My high tops had reached the end of their road less travelled. They had to go, as the crack...

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“I have a dream.”~ Martin Luther King Start with Why. Not How. Not What… I’ve started reading...

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Black versus white

Good morning. I love Twitter’s pared down abundance. You never know what you will find, and the...

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An Old Crackpot

[illustration of teapot, but not the one I owned] There once was a simple cream teapot at a craft...

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