Hello – I’m Narjas Windo.

I’ve always been fascinated by identity.

portrait of a middle aged woman with semi tinted glasses wearing a turtle neck dark top in front of a wall of holly outside

Seeing connections to join dots

As a third culture kid – born to a German mother and a Pakistani father – I grew up learning to stand out while fitting in.

I started my career as an architect and grew to love graphic design, communicating on behalf of engineers and architects to win new work.

I tease out the real You

Just as we’re unique as individuals, our businesses have their own distinct image and personality. I love to get under the skin of my clients’ businesses – to understand their reasons for being, and what makes them tick, so I can help them develop their own unique brand identity.

I relieve design pain

I launched my business in 2008 to provide quality design and branding services to small business owners and start-ups with limited budgets, who wanted a reliable, affordable alternative to larger design agencies.

If that sounds like you, let’s talk.

And if now’s not the right time, how about subscribing to my newsletter to keep in touch. It’ll be lovely to see you.

signed narjas x in a font called Twister

12 Things I Love

  1. Sleeping soundly for eight hours at night. It’s my creative fuel – whenever I manage to remember to let go of the previous day (not easy when in full flow).
  2. Switching from hot to freezing cold before I get out of the shower. Brrr! It’s a wonderful daily challenge, and a way to check in with myself before the day begins.
  3. Meditating over morning coffee in the garden.
  4. Other people’s foreign accents.
  5. Knitting chunky house decor requests from people.
  6. Dogs came first. Now cats. Especially our kitten, Oscar 😻, who’s fast approaching one year old!
  7. Following IKEA instructions as primary trusted furniture-builder for the family when I was a child.
  8. Coming up with a way to re-roll up the streamers we blew and threw around the living room for New Year’s Eve. I invented it from my wooden construction set called ‘Matador’ in Austria.
  9. Writing my morning pages, journalling, and sometimes blogging.
  10. Cooking healthy meals from an app called Second Nature. I avoid gluten, milk AND sugar, on a great day!
  11. Doodling the Everyday with pen, ink and paper.
  12. Championing mental health in all its guises. I’ve had my fair share of experiences, and I enjoy giving back to encourage, support, and inspire – through techniques and tricks I’ve learned along the way. I’m so grateful to @Sam Tremlin for giving me free rein to flex my Mental Health & Wellbeing Discussion Muscle, while working a tight team of five volunteers within a global corporation that needed to recognise its biggest asset – the staff.

Check out my brain prime, if you want to dive deeper.

small grey kitten looking into the camera from inside a cosy hand crocheted cat basket with blanket inside

Meet Oscar, aged just nine weeks in this fluffy photo. We’d only had him a few days, and I knocked up a purple corded basket with a hand knitted blanket in cream to match. It’s an arrangement I’m calling  ‘Violet Creams’. Oscar came to us some months after finally losing our friendly, kind old tabby – Charlie. Read the creative flow that leaked out of me in the early hours one morning, here.

Editor’s response to a post I wrote on Connection for their third edition

Hi Narjas and Hayat,Thank you so much for sending these contributions across, Kate and I really enjoyed reading them.Hayat, we would love to include your contribution as it is in the zine.

Narjas, your post has actually inspired us to include an exercise in the zine encouraging people to create their own affirmations to connect to their magic. We would then like to link to your blog post if people would like to read an example of this kind of practice in action.

Ellen Carr, founder & Kate Banks

Collaborative Coaching, The Good Space Zine

image of the sky viewed through trees on edition three cover of the good space zine showing  the theme of connection.

Read the full blog post I wrote in response the ‘connection’ theme which Ellen and Kate refer to. I collected a set of personal facts for a 67-day ‘Brain Prime reframe’, to prove to my neuropathways that I’m enough.

“A trust leap is when we take a risk to do something new or to do it differently from the way that we’ve done something before.”

– Rachel Botsman

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